(Extracted from Colorado Silver Management Agreement)



-Manage the property in the same manner as is customary and usual in the     management of comparable facilities.

-Maintain professional relations with Board or its authorized representative,   state, local, federal agencies, owners, renters, contractors, utility and          maintenance personnel.

-Advise board or its authorized representative of pending legislative action      concerning the legal responsibilities of homeowner Associations in  Colorado. 

-Ensure the Association’s compliance with Colorado laws and the  Department of Regulatory Agencies.

-Ensure that the Association is registered with the Secretary of State as  required by the Colorado Non-Profit Act and that the Annual Report is filed.

-Ensure that the Association is registered as a Homeowner’s Association  with the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) and that annual fees  are paid.

-Coordinate with Association’s insurance company and conduct inquiries  regarding adequacy of coverage/rate increases.

-Attend annual or quarterly board meetings as directed by the Board.


-Respond in a timely manner via phone, email, or text with Board members  or their authorized representative or owners regarding  Board/owners/   residents/maintenance or safety issues.

-Inspect property on a weekly basis for repairs, upkeep and take corrective  action.

-Interview and select personnel required for janitorial.

-Provide photographic evidence via email of any needed repairs with  explanation to Board upon inspection/discovery with recommendations for  corrective action.

-Consult with board on insurance company premiums to ensure adequate  coverage for property. Notify board on a timely basis of increase(s).

-Respond to and arrange for emergency services.



-Maintain owner payments/deposits in QuickBooks.

-Receive monthly homeowner Association dues in a manner prescribed by  the Board, i.e., personal checks and account for same in QuickBooks.

-Receive all monthly homeowner dues at Colorado Silver designated post  office box and deposit same in a Colorado Silver designated Wells Fargo  Operating Account for your Association.  Colorado Silver maintains  Association accounts at Wells Fargo Bank at Alameda and Teller, Lakewood  CO.  Colorado Silver does not assume signatory responsibility for checks  issued in the name of the Association.  Typically, a designated Board  Member/representative signs checks presented for payment of invoices with  Colorado Silver ensuring mailing.


-Reconcile monthly bank statements and make available to the Board at any  time with either oral or written notice.

-Prepare annual budget and any required revised budgets as needed and  directed by the Board of Directors.

-Prepare financials on a quarterly or monthly basis and distribute either via  emailings or at board meetings as required by the Board.

-Prepare all tax returns and related forms and present for signature by the  Board. 


-Issue collection notices to delinquent homeowners and follow-up and        inform board of progress.

-Accompany the Board of Directors in Small Claims Court against  delinquent homeowners.


-Receive annual insurance premium and monitor premium increases.

-Receive bills from utility companies, contractors, and maintenance and        prepare checks for such bills on a monthly basis.

-Respond to title companies request for status letters and Association  documents (bylaws, declarations, Rules, and meeting minutes). Prepare  response to all such requests on a timely basis to meet contract deadlines of  Real Estate Brokers for benefit of seller/buyer.

-Contact and coordinate with attorney representing the Association  regarding all Association matters as directed by the Board or its authorized  representative. 



-Provide administrative services, such as mailing notices of annual or  quarterly homeowner meetings.

-Purchase administrative supplies, stamps, envelopes, ink, and paper to  conduct Association business.

-Communicate via email, texts, or in person regarding any and all  Association needs or as required by the Board.

-Submit quarterly mileage and administrative supplies with receipts to the  board for reimbursement.  Mileage to be paid at a rate approved by the  Board.



-Prepare Requests For Proposals (RFPs) and secure a minimum of three  bids for projects at an amount to be determined by the Board for contractor  decisions.

-Research and consult with subject-matter experts at the state or federal  level regarding issues that require specialized expertise to assist in decision  making by the Board.  Research presented orally or in writing.

- Monitor progress of work by subject-matter expert licensed contractors as  agreed in Request for Bid and signed contract.   Monitor performance of  contracted personnel for non-subject matter experts.

-Arrange for utility service, landscape (lawn care), snow removal and waste  services contracts as selected and approved by the Board.  The Board must  approve all contracts.


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Colorado Silver Community Association Management
POB 140178
Lakewood, CO 80214

Community Association Manager 

720-370-4159 720-370-4159



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© Colorado Silver Community Association Management